Smoke-free Power Bar

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Support Breathe In. Tobacco Out

Take a deep breath every day and pledge to say NO to all forms of tobacco products for a healthy and smoke-free lifestyle. You can also share stress relieving tips. Follow the steps to be eligible for a Facebook Lucky Draw to win HK$500 cash voucher for health and beauty products chain store.

Terms and Conditions apply. Trade Promotion Competition Licence Number:53368

Smoke-free Pinwheel DIY

Boost up your smoke-free power with smoke-free pinwheel.

Download the Smoke-free Pinwheel DIY Kit (including the pinwheel Papercraft, materials and DIY steps). Create your Smoke-free Pinwheel in just 10 minutes. You can personalize it by adding your favourite decorations and writing your smoke-free messages for sharing among your families and friends.